Daisy Gibbons

Daisy Gibbons is a translator from Ukrainian into English. Her literary translations include Sofia Andrukhovych’s Amadoca (forthcoming, Simon & Schuster), Artem Chapeye’s Weathering (Seven Stories Press), Tamara Duda’s Shevchenko Award-winning Daughter (Bilka Press). Her translations have been featured in translation collections such as Love in Defiance of Pain: Ukrainian Stories (Deep Vellum) and extracts of her work have appeared in HarpersVanity Fair, and the Los Angeles Review of Books.
Daisy read modern languages at the University of Cambridge, where her love of Ukrainian literature was founded, and lived in Ukraine for several years. In 2022 she started interpreting for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which seems to take up more time than her editors might like, although nobody has objected as of yet.

Cover Image for War on the Environment

War on the Environment

Issue 1 (2024)

This issue of the London Ukrainian Review looks into Russia’s war on nature in Ukraine and its global repercussions. The editor Sasha Dovzhyk reflects on how Ukrainian and international responses to Russia’s wanton damage to the environment shape our present and future.

Sasha Dovzhyk
Cover Image for In Conversation: Stop Ecocide Co-Founder Jojo Mehta

In Conversation: Stop Ecocide Co-Founder Jojo Mehta

Issue 1 (2024)

Jojo Mehta speaks about the addition of ecocide as the fifth international crime to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the impact of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on international legal discourse, and the significance of the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam for the debate.

Anna Ackermann
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